Saturday 22 June 2013


13:05 By Unknown No comments

A web page is made up of  different elements, each of which is defined by an HTML code or tag. An HTML tag always begins with a less than sign and ends with a greater than sign > . for example, the tag used to underline the text is written as <U>. This tag is written before the text you want to underline.This is called openning tag or ON tag. In order to end the underlineing, you have to use a closing tag or an OFF tag. An OFF taf is the same as the ON tag, except that it has a forward slash before the command.So, to end the effect of <U> tag, you must give the OFF tag as </U>. So, if you would like to underline the text HTML tags, you would write the following in the text editor:
<U>HTML tag</U>
The result would be
HTML tag
some of the tag in HTML do not require a closing tag. The example of such tags are the line break tag <BR> and the horizontal line tag <HR>.....


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