Sunday 23 June 2013


01:52 By Unknown No comments

An HTML document contains two distinct part: HEAD and BODY.

The HEAD section contains information about the document that is not displayed on the web page.

The BODY section contains every thing that is displayed on the web page. It includes text,graphics,etc

Here is the basic structure of an HTML document:

HTML tag The HTML tag defines the document as an HTML file.This is a container element. The browser will interpret everything between <HTML> and </HTML> as an HTML document. It contains only the <HEAD> and <BODY> tags, which is turn contain a number of other tags.....

open it to Explorer or other web browser look like that

HEAD tag  The HEAD tag is a container element that includes identification and supplementary information about the document .

TITLE TAG  The TITLE tag encloses the title of your web page, Whic is displayed in the Title bar of the browser. it is a container elemment.

BODY tag  The BODY tag encloses the main content of your web page..


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