Saturday 22 June 2013


13:40 By Unknown No comments

Following are some for writing HTml code.
1.Element names are not case sensitive. For example, <HR> is same as <hr>.

2.Attribute names are not case sensitive.For example,
<HR SIZE = 4>
is equivalent to
<HR size = 4 >

3.Attribute values can be case sensitive.

4. The space between the tags does not matter.
For example
<B> Bold text </B>
is the same as
<B> Bold text </B>
Bold text

5.Element names cannot contain spaces. For example, <B R> is not the same as <BR>.Also, there should be no space after the <sign and before the > sign in a tag

6.Elements can be nested.This means that the tag used at the begining of a line has to appear at the very end. For example, to make text bold and underline it, use
<B><U> Correct order of tags </U> </B>
however, the followinf is incorrect:
<B><U> Correct order of tags</B></U>...............


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